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Reduce cellular ageing to feel better for longer
As our cells age, they slow down and either die off (not great, but not bad!) or they ‘retire’ (still hanging around but grumpy and prone to being careless and making mistakes). This leads to the typical physical signs of ageing (think wrinkles, pigmentation and sagging skin), as well as health issues associated with getting older (fatigue, joint pain, and disease).

Our NAD IV drip supports the cells, targeting the process within our cells that turns food into energy. The drip is designed to help combat the effects of modern day life by supporting cell repair and ensuring cells can produce energy efficiently. In other words, giving the retirees a new lease of life! This can help to slow down ageing at a cellular level – helping you maintain optimal health and quality of life for longer.

What is the NAD+ IV drip good for?

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is hugely important for proper cell function, and for protecting the body from ageing and disease. It is a powerful coenzyme and metabolic regulator found in the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the ‘powerhouse’ of each cell that provides energy for your body.

Stress, ageing, chronic disease, and our environment can all influence NAD+ levels. Our NAD+ drip has many benefits and in addition to improving energy levels, it can contribute towards:

  • Reduced cellular ageing
  • Cell rejuvenation
  • Boosted metabolism
  • Protection against the visible and hidden effects of ageing
  • Improved overall health
  • Improved ability of the body to get rid of toxins
  • Helps repair and regenerate organs like the liver
  • Protection against DNA damage
  • Protection against metabolic disease

Patients have also reported the following:

  • Better sleep (through regulation of circadian rhythm)
  • Mental clarity
  • Better mood

What’s in the NAD+ drip?

The NAD+ IV drip contains:

100mg-1000mg NAD+
600mg glutathione

NAD+: NAD+ is essential for healthy mitochondria which generate energy to power the body. NAD+ stimulates cell regeneration by increasing the activity of proteins that are linked to slower ageing and DNA repair. NAD+ also plays an important role in reducing oxidation in the cells, which can decrease inflammation and help improve mitochondrial function. NAD+ has been shown to lower blood pressure which can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. NAD+ has also been shown to increase levels of glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Glutathione: Often referred to as the ‘master antioxidant’, glutathione has a number of benefits. Oxidative stress contributes to both visible and hidden signs of ageing. Glutathione reduces the oxidative stress in the body, thereby helping to prevent cellular damage. It is also key to maintaining normal function of the immune system, because it supports the liver in clearing toxins from the body


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